I know crochet has been around forever but it has always been a no-go area for me. I remember years ago, picking up wool and hook and trying to read a pattern..... mental block! In the short time I have been blogging and Etsying I have come across crochet in its many forms. Just recently I stumbled across the crochet-savvy goddess -
Lucy at Attic24.
I just sat mesmerised and fell in love with her colourful crochet, home, personality and lounge! I found her instructions absolutely fool proof (even I could get my head around them!). With easy-peasy photo steps I just knew I could make SOMETHING! Straight to ebay, ordered yarn and hook and hey presto.....SOMETHING!
Even if I say so myself (cos no-one in the Fondant household will) Something turned out pretty well for a first attempt! OK so its only a faithful old granny square but I sat chuckling to myself at my achievement. I spose it will turn into a blanket (or cushion more like) one day.
Do you remember the first thing you crochet-ed??
The sun beeeeaaammmed through the window this morning so took advantage for a photo-shoot of some jewellery I had finished this week. If anything grabs you let me know .... until I get a flurry of listing-mania on Etsy!